Angelina Jolie Considers Retiring from the Acting World

In a recent interview with Dυ Joυr magazine, Angelina Jolie revealed that she has never been at ease with her profession as an actress and is considering quitting it altogether.

The stunning Angelina Jolie recently featured in an issue of Du Jour magazine where she revealed her love for directing. Despite her successful career in front of the camera, Jolie confessed that she never enjoyed being in the limelight and always saw herself behind the scenes as a director. She hopes to continue this path as it brings her more happiness than acting ever did. In fact, when asked if she plans to stop acting, Jolie confirmed that it’s something she’s considering. On the topic of her latest works, Jolie shared about her directorial efforts in Unbroken and By the Sea, a film in which she also stars alongside her partner, Brad Pitt. The movie depicts the complicated married life of a couple set in 1970s France.

According to Angelina Jolie, acting has never been something that comes naturally to her. In fact, she finds it quite challenging to direct herself and her husband, Brad Pitt, in their roles. This is particularly true for their work on the emotionally heavy film, “By the Sea”. Despite these challenges, Jolie appreciates the opportunity to work with her partner and to push each other’s boundaries as actors.

After a hiatus of nearly ten years since “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reunited on the big screen. Fans anticipate that Jolie’s upcoming films will also earn her an Oscar for her directing skills. Jolie is no stranger to the Oscars, having won one in 1999 for her role in “Girl Interrupted.” In addition to her acting and filmmaking career, the mother of six has also hinted at pursuing a political path.

Actress Angelina Jolie and her colleague Jack O’Connell, who played the lead in her directorial venture “Unbroken”, have graced the cover of Dυ Joυr magazine.

It’s worth noting that Jack O’Connell is still appearing in the film “By the Sea” directed by Angelina Jolie.

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